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Single Sign-On (SSO) Setup Guide

Note: You must be a Company Admin to access the SocialTalent SSO settings.

Follow these steps to set up SSO for your organisation:

  1. Access SSO Settings
    Go to Admin OrganisationSingle Sign-On.

    Zrzut ekranu 2025-01-28 o 13.37.30.png
  1. Enable SSO
    Switch the SSO setting to Yes to activate it.

    Zrzut ekranu 2025-01-28 o 13.38.36.png
  2. Select SSO Type
    Choose either Service Provider or Identity Provider initiated SSO. If you're unsure, we recommend selecting Service Provider as the default.

  3. Configure Basic SAML Settings
    Share the URLs in the Basic SAML Configuration section with your IT team, so they can configure SSO on their end. 

  4. Upload Metadata
    Your IT team will provide you with either an XML file or a metadata URL. Toggle the relevant switch and upload the provided file or URL to the platform.

  1. Add Exclusion for Your Account
    Include your user account in the Exclusion List to ensure you can still log in with a password in case the SSO configuration encounters issues.

  1. Save and Test SSO
    Click Save to finalise the setup. Ask a colleague to log in to SocialTalent to test the SSO configuration.

Once SSO is configured, users can no longer sign in using their email and password (unless excluded). Instead, they will enter their email address, click Next, and be automatically logged in.

Additional Resources

For further assistance, refer to these articles:

SSO / SAML - G Suite from Google Cloud

SSO / SAML - Microsoft Active Directory, Office 365 / Azure

SSO / SAML - OneLogin  

OAuth 2.0 - Google Account / Online Microsoft Account

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