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OAuth 2.0 - Google Account / Online Microsoft Account

OAuth is a standard that applications use to provide client applications with secure delegated access. OAuth works over a secure encrypted connection (HTTPS) and authorizes devices, APIs, servers, and applications with Access Tokens rather than credentials. This means you are not passing any of your credentials to SocialTalent while logging in with one of two OAuth options available on the Sign In page - Google Account or Online Microsoft Account.

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If your company email is hosted with G Suite (Gmail by Google) or Azure/Office 365 (Microsoft) you can simply use one of the buttons available under the Email sign-in option on the Sign In page: Sign in with your Google Account and Sign in with your Online Microsoft Account.

It is simple, just choose the email provider your company mailbox is hosted with and follow the steps to authorize yourself - this is required only on your first attempt, only once. You may be asked to authorize again if you change your password or deauthorize SocialTalent application within your provider control panel.

Note: Please, notice, that because of Microsoft limitations only corporate email accounts can be used with OAuth 2.0 authorization - this means @hotmail emails (and similar) will not work, even if you have a SocialTalent account created with this email. This is not the case with Gmail, which means any of email hosted with Google (standard Gmail or G Suite) can be used with OAuth 2.0 authorization provided by SocialTalent application.

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