How do I edit Learning Paths?
Important notes:
Learning Paths can be only edited by company admins and managers. Learners with the user role do not have permission to edit Learning Paths.
Any changes made to the Learning Path will impact all users assigned to that Learning Path.
Once a Learning Path is deleted or removed, this cannot be recovered. The users assigned to the Learning Path which is required to be deleted should be assigned to a new Learning Path before proceeding with deletion.
Once the changes like adding/removing content are made to a learning path, the user has to watch at least one learning item on the platform for the changes to reflect in Learning Path.
Steps to edit Learning Path:
Step 1
Go to Admin → Content. Click on “Manage existing Learning Path” and this will redirect you to the Learning Path Management section.

Step 2
You can search your desired learning path which you want to edit by typing the name of the Learning Path or selecting the user who has created the Learning Path.

Step 3
Click on the Settings button on the desired Learning Path and click on Edit.

Step 4
Clicking Edit will take you to the page where you edit any detail for the selected Learning Path as mentioned below:
Learning Path Name and Description of the Learning Path.
Custom Thumbnail (optional) - more about Custom Thumbnail can be found here.
Removing a mission in the Learning Path: You have the option to remove the entire mission from the learning path if you think you don’t need it. Simply go to the “-” icon and click on “Remove mission”.
Editing a Mission in the Learning Path: You can choose to remove a few courses from the missions if you think they are not relevant. Simply open the list of the courses in the mission (arrow pointed down) and click on the “-“ button. After selecting the course click on “Remove Course”. You can add the removed courses at a later time by removing the mission from the Learning Path and adding it back again.
Adding Missions in the Learning Path.
Scroll down and click on “+Add another mission”. You will be redirected to another page where You can search the mission name or use the Filters to narrow down a mission according to your learning requirements.If you wish to add a mission to the Learning path, simply click on the button “Add to the Learning Path”. After all the missions which you choose to add to the learning path are selected, navigate to “Edit Learning Path”. Clicking on that will redirect you back to the learning path editing page.

Missions will be at the end of the editing page. You can also change the position of the mission in the learning path, by clicking on the arrows beside the picture.

Once the editing is completed, you can click on “Publish Learning Path →” to reflect the changes in the Learning Path.

Step 5
Before publishing you can Enable/Disable below options:
Auto assign Milestone Certificates
Learners will receive a Milestone Certificate when they complete all of the missions and challenges in the learning path?Auto-update content changes
When SocialTalent releases exciting new content related to your learning path (or removes content that is no longer relevant) do you want your learning path to be automatically updated?
After deciding which option should be ON/OFF simply click on the top button “Publish Learning Path”.
Step 6
Congratulations! You just edited the learning path.

Now you will have options to manage learners/teams and assign Learning Path to the users. You can also recommend Learning Path to your colleagues or Teams. If you wish to review your Learning Path simply click on “View Learning Path” and check if everything is in the correct order.
If you have any questions, please contact your SocialTalent Manager.