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Bulk Upload

The new Bulk upload features are a quick way to add, update, deactivate, reactivate, or delete groups of users. It is very important that you add precise user details to the file. Any deviation from the correct format can cause the upload to fail.

Where do I find the Bulk Upload?

This is found under the Users section. From here you select the new option "Bulk Options".

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How do I start Bulk upload? 

Step 1: The first thing you will need to do is download the SocialTalent_Sample_.xslx file. You should carefully review the Read Me First tab before you begin to fill out the file.


Step 1.1: There are several columns related to each user that you may update. For some columns, you may simply replace the existing text, for others you will be required to make a selection from the drop-down menu.


Step 1.2: Remember that you must not remove or add any columns to this file. Any editing to this file that has not been mentioned in the Read me First section will cause the upload to fail.


Step 2: When my file is ready, what do I do next?


Step 2.1: Once you have filled out your .xslx file according to the instructions you will need to upload it. You will need to ensure you have enough Licences available for the desired number of users you wish to upload.

Example: If you have 50 users on your Bulk Upload sheet, you will need at least 50 available Licences in a Licence Pool. You can check this in the Select Licence Pool section.

Step 2.2: If you have filled out the Bulk Upload correctly you should get the following message:



NOTE: If you are adding new users in step 3 you can select if you would like to send a "Getting Started" email to the users. If you do not select this box users from your file will not be notified that a new account has been created. You can, at any stage, go and send the user "Getting Started" email from the User Management Section - More Options. 

Step 3: Final step is selecting the Submit button, this will finalize the upload. For each feature name of the button is different (add users, update users, delete users etc.).

Process may take a few minutes, depending on how many users you are uploading at any given time. You should receive an email that bulk process is working on the background.

 You should also receive an email regarding this process:

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I have an error message in step 2. What should I do now?

If any sections of the Bulk Upload have been filled out incorrectly you will get an error email like this:

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If this happens please review the file once again and double-check if all the requirements have been met. The data has likely been incorrectly populated. Once the error has been corrected, save your file and upload it again. An email will have an attachment file with all the errors that occur during the process, so you can review the file and fix the errors.


If you are still encountering any issues with our bulk upload file, please contact our support team or the SocialTalent manager.

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