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Bulk Add users

To quickly add the users please follow these steps.

  1. Download the latest template and populate your file as indicated on the "Read Me First" sheet (Make sure you first add precise user details into a file).

  2. Upload the file to our platform.

  3. Decide if you want to send a “Getting Started Email” by ticking on/off the box.

  4. Press the green button “Add users”

  5. The system will work in a background check if there are any errors in the file. You should receive an email about the process progress. If the uploaded file has an error, you will get an email with an attachment of all the issues in the file.


Example of email - Process in progress

Zrzut ekranu 2025-01-27 o 13.52.09.png

Example of an email when the system found an error

Zrzut ekranu 2025-01-27 o 13.56.26.png

If you encounter any errors, please make sure that all your data is correct and that necessary changes are made. If you still have problems adding users, please contact our support team.

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