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xAPI (Experience API), also known as Tin Can API, is a modern standard in educational technology that allows for tracking and analyzing a wide range of learner activities. Thanks to its flexibility, xAPI is becoming an increasingly popular tool in modern Learning Management Systems (LMS) and educational applications.

xAPI Functions Description

xAPI enables the recording of user interactions with various educational materials across different platforms and contexts. xAPI allows for tracking learning not only within traditional courses but also at a more detailed level, such as when using mobile apps, educational games, or even workplace activities.

Activity data is stored in the form of "statements," which have a subject-verb-object structure (e.g., "John completed the course"). These statements are stored in a specialized data repository called a Learning Record Store (LRS).

How xAPI Works

xAPI works by recording user activities in the form of the aforementioned statements. This allows for continuous and more precise tracking of learning progress compared to traditional educational systems. The collected data can then be analyzed to improve course quality, personalize learning experiences, and monitor the effectiveness of training.

In the context of the SocialTalent platform, xAPI enables integration with clients' LMS systems, allowing for more detailed reporting and analysis of user engagement and training effectiveness. Thanks to xAPI integration, data can be exchanged in real-time, making it easier to manage learning and monitor progress.

Advantages of xAPI:

  • Ability to track learning in various contexts (online, offline, work).

  • Richer analysis thanks to more detailed data.

  • Ability to integrate with other LMS systems.

  • Easier personalization of educational experiences.

With xAPI, organizations can gain a fuller picture of the effectiveness of their training programs, which allows for better talent management and employee development based on real data.

SocialTalent offers xAPI integration that allows for easy connection with existing LMS systems, enabling more accurate monitoring and reporting of educational activities on the platform.

With these capabilities, xAPI is becoming an invaluable tool in modern education and training management.

xAPI on SocialTalent

The Social Talent platform offers an advanced XAPI functionality that allows tracking users' learning progress and integrating with the company's internal systems. This option is only available to company administrators. Below is a detailed guide on how to unlock and configure XAPI on this platform.

1. Unlocking Access to XAPI

To access XAPI, you must first log in to your account as a company administrator. Then:

  1. Go to the Admin Settings section.

  2. In the left-hand menu, there should be a XAPI tab available.

If the XAPI tab is not visible, it means that this option has not yet been unlocked for your company. In this case, you need to contact your account manager or the person responsible for managing your company on the Social Talent platform to unlock this option. By default, XAPI is disabled and requires special permission to activate.

2. Enabling XAPI

Once the XAPI tab is available, you can proceed to enable it:

  1. Go to the XAPI tab.

  2. Check the Enable XAPI option to activate this functionality.

3. Configuring XAPI

After enabling XAPI, proceed with the configuration, which consists of several key steps.

3.1 Setting the Unique User Identifier

The first step is to set a unique identifier for users. By default, the user's email address is used as the identifier. If your company uses other User Defined Fields, such as Personal ID, Country, or others, the list of identifiers might be larger, depending on the data exported from the platform.

3.2 Setting the Content Reporting Level

The next step is to choose the content reporting level. Currently, Social Talent offers reporting only at the Learning Paths level. Other reporting levels are not available.

3.3 Configuring the Endpoints

The most crucial part of the XAPI configuration is the Endpoints, which define how data will be transferred between the Social Talent platform and the company's internal systems.

  1. Endpoint Selection: You can choose one of the two available endpoints: Inbound or Outbound. Depending on your company's needs, unlock the appropriate endpoint. We recommend activating only one endpoint to avoid potential data conflicts.

  1. Inbound Endpoint:

    • After selecting the Inbound Endpoint option, you will see the details provided by Social Talent, such as:

      • Username

      • Password

      • XAPI Link

    • These details need to be configured in the company's internal API to enable receiving data from Social Talent.

  1. Outbound Endpoint:

    • When selecting the Outbound Endpoint, you need to provide the endpoint name and the authentication type:

      • HTTP Basic Authentication: If you choose this option, you only need to provide the Username and Password, and then save the configuration.

      • OAuth: In this case, you need to configure more advanced settings, including:

        • BaseURL

        • ClientID

        • ClientSecret

  • After entering these details, click Save to complete the configuration.

4. Verifying the Configuration

Once XAPI is configured correctly, data on users' progress will be automatically sent to the company's internal platform as soon as a user completes a learning path.

Maintaining a correct XAPI configuration is crucial to ensure smooth data integration and tracking of users' learning progress. If you encounter any issues, we recommend consulting the Social Talent support team.

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