In some instances, a SocialTalent Customer’s IT Team may need to be engaged in order to Whitelist URLs used by the SocialTalent platform if the URLs are being blocked by the customer’s firewall. It is essential that learners have access to all of the necessary URLs in order to use the platform.
Whitelisting Application Domains
Login and usage of the SocialTalent solution require access to URLs around *.http://socialtalent.com * i.e. any URL that contains the following string should be whitelisted → http://socialtalent.com
If possible the whole domain should be whitelisted: *.http://socialtalent.com* If this is not possible the URLs below must be whitelisted:
api.socialtalent.com → API to run the platform
static.socialtalent.com → URL to store images for emails
socialtalent.force.com → Used to connect to the Salesforce for our support widget
www.google.* (this means http://www.google.com , http://www.google.ie etc.) → Require for Google Analytics and fonts
fonts.googleapis.com, fonts.gstatic.com. — These two URLs are required for fonts.
http://www.google-analytics.com - Google Analytics collects the following information through the default implementation:
Number of users
Session statistics
Approximate geolocation
Browser and device information
*.cloudfront.net for Videos
Amazon CloudFront is a web service that speeds up distribution of web content. SocialTalent uses it to improve the download performance of training videos. See more info here.
Any URL that contains the following string .cloudfront.net needs to be whitelisted.
To watch SocialTalent videos, users will need to have access to URLs such as (but not limited to): d1oyox7pkrd3qv.cloudfront.net
Platform important email addresses
Emails are also important to whitelist because any information regarding password reset, contacting our support team, or a welcome email may not reach the user due to blocking or email bounce.