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Off-boarding process

In any organization using subscription-based software, the expiration of the license is a critical moment. This process, known as off-boarding, requires meticulous planning to ensure a smooth transition, minimize disruptions to business operations, and safeguard data. In this article, we will discuss the steps that should be taken when a license expires to ensure a seamless process for both the company and its users.

Loss of access to the platform after license expiration

When a company's license pool expires, all users lose access to the platform. It's crucial to understand the exact timing of the license expiration. For example, if the license is valid until August 30, 2024, users will have access to the platform until the end of that day, i.e., until midnight on August 30. On the night of August 30 to August 31, access to the platform will be terminated, meaning users will no longer be able to log in or use any resources available on the platform. This is a critical moment that requires proper preparation by both the company and its users.

Notification of achievements to users

To ensure that users retain all their achievements earned on the platform, emails will be sent to them (if they haven't received them, it means they got stuck in spam/bin or on their firewall), which will include all their achievements. These could be certificates or badges for completed lessons that might be lost if the license expires. This message will be sent one day after the expiry of the licence

Notifications before license expiration

A key element of the off-boarding process is providing adequate advance notice to administrators about the upcoming license expiration. In practice, this should look as follows:

  • 14 days before expiration: All administrators should receive a notification that their account will soon be deactivated. This allows them to prepare for this change, inform users, and secure any necessary data. Each user will receive an email only when their account has been deactivated. The company administrator can check when the license pool expires here.

Data transfer to administrators

An important aspect of the off-boarding process is securing company data in case the client returns to the platform. Therefore, 23 days after the license has expired, and 7 days before the account is deleted from the system, a JSON file containing all relevant company data will be sent to the company’s administrators. This file allows for data consistency and can be used if the company decides to renew the license or resume using the platform in the future.

Hashing and deletion of data after license expiration

After the license expires, the next critical stage occurs under data protection regulations, such as GDPR. 30 days after the license expiration, all information regarding the company, users, stored data, teams, and other related resources are hashed and deleted from the system. This process aims to protect privacy and prevent unauthorized access to data after the end of the collaboration. Executing this operation in compliance with legal regulations ensures that the company meets GDPR requirements, and customer data is not retained longer than necessary.

However, if any issues arise during any of these stages — the user does not receive an email summarizing their achievements, the administrator does not receive the JSON file with the company’s data or access to the platform is lost earlier than planned — please contact support immediately at A prompt response will allow us to resolve the issue and ensure that the off-boarding process proceeds as expected.

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