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How to use Reports?

Below you will find some helpful information to help you navigate the Reports section. If you'd like to view our course related to the SocialTalent Reports you can do so here


The SocialTalent Reports feature allows users with the role of Manager or Team Leader view:

  1. Multiple metrics and statistics related to learner engagement with the platform.

  2. Data around how any learning item is being used and viewed.


By default, the Dashboard will present charts related to Course Completions and Badges Awarded.

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These charts may be edited using the 3 dot menu in the top right corner of each graph. It’s also possible to select the “Add Graph” option and create additional graphs.



Dashboard - Summary 

The Summary section on the Reports Dashboard offers an overview of your Learners engagement. It lets you send them an email to encourage them to get back on track or to keep up the great work. This section is filterable by Teams.

Detailed Reports


By default, template reports related to: Engagement, Goal Tracking, Licenses, Milestones, Learning Badges, Certificates, Mission Progress, Content Feedback, and Popular Content are available.

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Add a Custom Report

The “Add” button in the top right corner of the “Detailed Reports” view provides the option to create your own custom view of the data.

Define the Outline Attributes



  1. Select Report Type.

  2. Select Columns

  • Your report will contain some columns by default

  • Click the “Search columns…” option to choose the columns you want on the Report.

    • The “Help” link will open a view that shows the descriptions of all columns available

    • If you hover over the ‘i’ icon it will also display the column description

Define the Filter Attributes


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Save and Run!


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  1. Overwrite the text “New Report” and add the appropriate name for the report

  2. You have the option to make the report Private or Shared.
    - Private reports are only viewable by you. 
    - If you select Shared, the report will be viewable by your colleagues.
    - You can also Clone and Edit your colleagues reports. 

  3. Once you have completed the “Save & Run” process, the report will be in Pending state with the "View" button greyed out until the report is generated. 

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4. After the report is generated, your report will be viewable for the main “Detailed Reports” view. The View button is not greyed out anymore.

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You can also export the report in .xls or .csv format in your system. Reports with large amounts of data will exported to your email address registered on SocialTalent.

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