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How to understand the progress % and Status: In Progress, Status: Complete in the Learning Path?

The status “in Progress, 100%” of the Learning Path shows when the user has viewed all the materials (learning items) that are available in it. But he has not passed all the Challenges. Quizzes are optional and do not count towards the % progress of the Learning Path.


The status “Complete, 100%” of the Learning Path shows when the user has viewed all the materials that are available in it and passed Challenges. Now the user can download the Certificate.



The threshold for challenges is set up by default at 80% - it means that the user can start the Challenge with 80% of the viewed content. If in this case, the user passes all the Challenges then the status of the Learning Path will be Complete: 80%.

If you see a case where the user has a Status Complete for the learning path (the threshold has been set to 80%), and the user's progress is less than 80%, it means that content changes have been made to the learning path.

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