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How to Integrate Workday Learning with SocialTalent

Follow the step-by-step guide below to set up the integration between Workday Learning and SocialTalent:

1. Access Admin Settings

  1. Log in to the SocialTalent platform.

  2. Navigate to the Admin Settings Organisation.

    Screenshot 2025-01-15 at 07.56.17.png

2. Navigate to Integrations

  1. In the Admin Settings, locate the Integrations tab in the sidebar.

  2. Click on Workday Learning.

    • Note: If the “Integrations” option is not visible, please contact your SocialTalent Customer Success Manager for assistance.

Screenshot 2025-01-15 at 07.56.26.png

3. Connect Workday Learning

  1. Enter the required information in the provided fields.

  2. Click Connect.

Screenshot 2025-01-15 at 07.56.36.png

4. ‘Requires Enrollment’

Please make sure that this option is set up to “No”. This will make content available to all users.

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5. Retrieve Credentials from Workday

To obtain the necessary credentials, follow the steps outlined in the Workday System’s guide: Workday Learning Connection Guide.

Once the integration is successfully set up, SocialTalent and Workday Learning will seamlessly work together to provide a unified learning experience.

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