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How to check how many or which courses the user finished?

If the need arises to check the number of courses or what courses a user has already completed, this article shows how to make such a report. It should be noted that the option to make such a report is available to the manager, team leader, and company admin. If you are a user and need this information please report to your team leader/company admin.

For Team leader/Company admin only

  1. Navigate to → Reports → Detailed reports → New Report

    Zrzut ekranu 2025-01-17 o 18.35.10.png

  2. In the search column bar type “total” and tick “Total Courses Completed” / “Total List of all Courses Completed” → Save & Run

    Zrzut ekranu 2025-01-17 o 18.52.00.png

  3. Type the name of the report and select if you wish your report to be “Private” or “Shared” → Click on “Save & Run”

  4. The report will generate and will be ready to export it to .xls or .csv format and download.

    Zrzut ekranu 2025-01-17 o 18.53.54.png

If the steps listed above don't work for you, please reach out to our support team at

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