How do I change Learning Paths for users?
Important point:
Only company admins and managers have permission to change the Learning Paths of any user in the company except users with admin/manager roles. Admin/managers can amend their own Learning Paths.
Steps to change Learning Path:
Go to Admin → Users.
Search for the user in the search bar and select the user whose learning path you want to change in the grey box beside the name. You can select multiple users at the same time.
Click on “More Options” → “Change Learning Path”.
This will list the learning paths available. Select the desired LP and then click on Save changes.
Pop-up window will show and if you are sure about the changes, please click on “Confirm”.
If everything went well, you should see this message on the screen. User now will be assigned to selected learning path.
If you are facing any issues related to changing Learning Paths, please contact